Monday, June 30, 2008

Extra Protein

Add chickpeas to your vegetables and hard boiled eggs to your salads to add protein to your diet.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Keep Plants In Your House

Plants help filter the air in your home, eliminating odors and contaminants, which provides a more healthy environment to live in.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Exe Exams For Children

Around the age of 3, children should have an eye exam.

Before beginning kindergarten, they should have their eyes examined again.

Children should have their eyes examined every 1-2 years throughout childhood and adolescence. Your child's pediatrician may be able to do this at regular check-ups. Talk to him/her for more information. (Having your child's examined at school by a school nurse is not enough.)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eye Exams

Even if you do not have eye problems, it is still important to have regular eye exams.

Those ages 20-29 should have their eyes examined at least once.

Those who are ages 30-39 should have their eyes examined twice.

For people between the ages 40-64, they need to have eye exams every 2-4 years.

Your eyes should be examined every 1-2 years if you are age 65 or higher.

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Maximize Results With Workout Videos

Netflix offers a variety of exercise videos, from Biggest Loser workouts, to boxing, to Yoga. This is a way to try a variety of workout styles, trainers and videos to find something new you like. Netflix offers many exercise videos instantly, that you can watch right from your computer, without waiting for the video to come in the mail. You can even do it free. Sign up for the 2 week free trial, and if you don't like Netflix, cancel it and you don't have to pay anything. Find something new that you enjoy to keep your workout fresh and maximize your results.

Netflix, Inc.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Measure Portions For A Healthy Weight

Restaurants tend to serve very large portions, and it's common to overeat. Measure the portions of food you take to know how many servings you are eating, and to help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lose Weight With Carbs

Research shows that those who eat slow-burning carbs burn more fat during the day and during exercise, which causes greater weight loss.

Slow-Burning Carbs:
-brown rice
-whole grain bread
-whole grain pasta

Cholesterol- Healthy or Unhealthy?

Healthy Benefits of Cholesterol:
-aids in muscle mass
-aids in strength
-maintains testosterone levels

Health Problems Associated With Cholesterol:
-associated with risk for cardiovascular disease

If you do not have high cholesterol, a small amount of cholesterol in your diet is recommended.

Fat And Protein In Your Beef

To help you choose the right beef for you, compare the amount of fat and protein in each. They are ordered from lowest fat content to the fattiest beef.

Beef Liver

-8 g fat
-48 g protein

Roast Beef
-10 g fat
-28 g protein

Top Sirloin:
-11 g fat
-50 g protein

Ground Beef 95% lean
-12 g fat
-48 g protein

-16 g fat
-24 g protein

Beef Brisket
-17 g fat
-48 g protein

-25 g fat
-48 g protein

-35 g fat
-40 g protein

Porterhouse Steak
-42 g fat
-43 g protein

-48 g fat
-40 g protein

Filet Mignon
-48 g fat
-40 g protein

(Based on 8 ounce servings of meat)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beginners Workout Guide

1.Start slowly. Begin with 10 or 15 minutes of exercise 3 or 4 days a week. Add 5 minutes to your workout each week until you are doing 30-45 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week, the recommended minimum to reduce the risk for cancer.

2.Begin with something low impact; like walking, Yoga, biking or swimming. This reduces your risk for injuries not only when you workout, but also helps you prevent injuries in your daily life.

3.Don't overdo it. You are less likely to continue to exercise consistently and more likely to hurt yourself.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Healthy Oils and Unhealthy Oils

Healthy Oils:
Macadamia oil
Peanut oil
Canola oil
Coconut oil
Olive oil

Unhealthy Oils

Walnut oil
Sunflower oil
Sesame oil
Flaxseed oil
Soybean oil

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Workout Even When You Don't Have Time

When you don't have time to exercise, do several, short sprints for a couple of minutes. Intense bursts of energy help your body to burn fat, lose weight and prevent you from losing muscle. (When working out for long periods of time, it's also highly recommended to increase the intensity for short periods of time throughout your exercise routine. This allows your body to continue burning calories long after your workout is over.)

Go Outside For More Effective Exercise

Take advantage of the warm weather to do your cardio exercise outside. This prevents your body from adjusting to routines, allowing you to have a more effective workout, build more muscles and lose weight faster.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Healthy Fats You Must Have In Your Diet

There are healthy/good fats and unhealthy/bad fats. If you eat too few good fats, you damage your health and minimize the results of exercise. Bad fats should be completely eliminated from the diet to prevent health problems.

Healthy Fats:

Mono-unsaturated fats-macadamia nuts, peanuts, almonds, nut butters, canola oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, macadamia oil, olive oil, olives, avocados,

Polyunsaturated fats-(don't use these for cooking, but otherwise very good) salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, trout, omega-enriched eggs, pumpkin seeds, mayonnaise, sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, walnuts, flaxseed, soybean oil, sesame oil, corn oil, hemp

Saturated fats-palm oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, pork fat, dairy, pork, poultry,beef

Unhealthy Fats:

Trans fat-fried foods, hydrogenated margarine, crackers, shortening, packaged pastries, packaged cookies

Spices For Health and Wellness

Ginger (fresh and dried)
-Raises metabolism
-Increases fat burning
-Fights inflammation
-Settles upset stomachs

-Increases muscle growth
-Combats indigestion

-Prevents fat gain
-Prevents water retention
-Prevents inhibition of testosterone
(Has been said to cause early labor in pregnant women.)

Cayenne Pepper
-Increases metabolism
-Reduces appetite
-Helps reduce body fat

-Increases testosterone production
-Helps in developing bigger muscles
-Fights cancer
-Combats heart disease
-Helps cure colds

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mens Health: Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

These are ways that have been shown to effectively reduce the risk for prostate cancer.

1.Reduce amount of saturated fat eaten from animals.

2.Increase amount of whole grains, fish, soy and vegetables in diet.

3.Exercise regularly.

4.Maintain a healthy weight.

5.Don't smoke.

6.Limit alcohol.

7.Have yearly prostate exams beginning at the age of 40 (it was previously at the age of 50).

Womens Health Care: Mammograms

Womens health care needs to include breast exams that check for cancer.

Monthly-Women need to self-check their breasts. The best time is the week after their period.

Age 35-Women need to have a mammogram to establish a baseline.

Age 40-Women need to begin having mammograms yearly to screen for breast cancer.

More Muscle Building Foods And Ingredients

ricotta cheese


almond butter


ground flaxseed

cocoa powder




Substitute These Foods To Build Muscles

smoked salmon for deli meats

eggs for egg whites

salsa for sauces

beans for rice

red bell peppers for green ones

kale for iceberg lettuce

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